Gareth Jones

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What if we could transform our understanding of the universe with a third element?

Imagine a world where a simple yet profound shift in perspective revolutionises our understanding of balance and harmony. What if we could move beyond the traditional dualities that have shaped our thinking for millennia and embrace a triadic model that introduces a third, mediating element? This innovative approach could transform our comprehension of everything from quantum mechanics to cosmology, from philosophy to psychology.

The Concept

Picture a scale, a simple tool we use daily to measure and balance. Without its central pivot, the scale is just two useless platforms. That pivot is the crucial third element that creates meaning through relationships. Now, apply this concept to the universe. What if every duality we’ve ever known - light and dark, good and evil, matter and antimatter - is incomplete without a third element that brings balance and harmony?

This triadic model...

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A smarter way to cross the road

A new concept in pedestrian crossing design could transform road safety by innovatively combining existing technologies. This intelligent, responsive crossing system would work around the clock to protect pedestrians and alert drivers.

The Concept

The proposed system would use smart cats’ eyes starting 30 metres before each crossing. These LED-equipped road studs would create a wave of light guiding attention forward. When someone steps onto the crossing, the pattern intensifies, and the crossing itself illuminates.

This isn’t just about night-time visibility—it’s about creating an unmissable signal that demands driver attention at any hour. The system employs three warning zones:

  • Early warning (green) at 30 metres
  • Intermediate warning (amber) at 20 metres
  • Immediate approach (red) at 10 metres

The Need

Current pedestrian crossings rely heavily on driver attention and goodwill...

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Reflections on two years of sobriety

Today I find myself at a milestone that carries profound meaning - two years of walking a path I never thought I’d choose. Two years of clarity, of growth, of discovering life in its purest form, marked by this tenth day of January 2025.

Only in these winter days, when the air crackles with fresh possibility, do I fully appreciate the depth of awareness this path has given me. The season that once blurred into a series of foggy memories now offers crystal-clear moments of joy, connection, and authentic celebration.

Despite what many might assume about a sober life being somehow less vibrant, I’ve discovered quite the opposite. Colours seem brighter, laughter rings truer, and experiences carry more weight when met with clear eyes and an open heart.

Deeper understanding comes in moments both ordinary and extraordinary - in crisp morning apples that taste sweeter than ever before, in...

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A year of sobriety

As I sit down to write this, I’m filled with a sense of awe and gratitude. An entire year has passed since I stepped away from alcohol, and embarked on a journey towards sobriety. A journey that has been as much about personal growth and self-discovery as it has been about breaking free from the chains of addiction.

Six months into my journey, I shared with you the emotional and physical challenges that came with the decision to live a sober life. Today, as I mark my first sober year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the changes that have transpired over these past months.

Over this year, I’ve watched my life transform in ways I never thought possible. Sobriety has brought clarity, both to my mind and my spirit. I’ve begun to view myself and the world around me through a lens untainted by the haze of alcohol. This clarity has fostered healthier relationships, allowing me to...

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Success beyond conventional wisdom

Today, I find myself pondering a subject that often buzzes in the air, hanging around conversations like an omnipresent cloud: success. We’ve all heard the usual definitions, haven’t we? Wealth, power, or perhaps a laundry list of achievements that one can conveniently flash like a set of trophies. While these indicators are by no means detrimental, I can’t help but think it’s high time we broadened our understanding of what success genuinely entails, particularly in this fast-paced, ever-changing world of ours.

On that note, let’s consider that success is something of a moving target. What I regarded as the epitome of success a decade ago isn’t the same today. And that’s not only normal; it’s healthy. As we evolve—growing in personal and professional dimensions—our viewpoints on what constitutes success inevitably shift. So, if you’re still rigidly adhering to definitions you made...

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The everlasting impact of losing a Mother

This year marks the seventeenth anniversary of my Mother’s passing, on the 14th of September, 2006. There’s a commonly uttered sentiment that time will eventually lessen the ache, a sentiment I find more poetic than true. As was so poignantly expressed to me at the time of her passing, “Losing your mother is the edge of the sword.” A line that’s become a part of my grieving lexicon.

The weight of guilt settles in, uninvited, as the years pass. In her final year, grappling with cancer, there are so many things I wish I could have done differently, so many words left unsaid, so many gestures left undone. The guilt of inaction is perhaps as stinging as the grief of loss.

Guilt can be multi-layered, especially when it involves the loss of a parent. For me, guilt isn’t just about what I didn’t say or do; it’s also about the emotional bandwidth I didn’t fully realise I had at my disposal...

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